Fresh, Local, Year-Round

Providing pesticide-free, locally grown produce to Calgarians all year round.

Our Mission

We are an agri-tech company specializing in vertical and rooftop farming. Our mission is to provide Calgarians with fresh, pesticide-free, and locally grown produce all year round.

bokeh photography of person carrying soil
bokeh photography of person carrying soil

About us

Welcome to Plethora Farms, where our passion for revolutionizing local food production drives everything we do. Nestled in the heart of Calgary at an upcoming world class facility, our journey began with a simple yet powerful dream: to transform our city into a beacon of self-sustainability, one leaf at a time.

Founded on the belief that access to fresh, nutritious produce should be a fundamental right, we embarked on a mission to redefine urban agriculture. Our commitment to sustainability isn't just a buzzword; it's the cornerstone of our philosophy. By harnessing cutting-edge vertical farming technology, we're challenging the status quo and paving the way for a greener, more resilient future.

Join us on our journey as we reimagine the possibilities of urban agriculture and work tirelessly to make Calgary a shining example of self-sustainability. Together, let's cultivate a healthier, happier tomorrow—one harvest, one community, and one meal at a time. Welcome to the future of farming. Welcome to Plethora Farms.


Mondar Chaudhury

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